Whistling down the wind
In a refreshing change of tone, I have some good news to report. Before I do that, I'd be remiss if I didn't thank some very good friends of mine. Much love goes out to Jessie, Jen, Jam and Heather (in no particular order) for helping to mend that fragile thing I laughingly call my sanity. Thanks for listening to me rant, rave, blow off steam and generally act like a disgruntled malcontent. It's much appreciated and I promise not to abuse the privilege.
Good news: my ongoing war of attrition against unemployment has entered a dangerous new stage. I applied for a job today and a job applied for me(?!). The job I applied for was a contract copyediting position for a company that would seem to be satisfied with me only having a Uni. degree, which is no small thing. In the cover letter, I wrote that not only have I worked in a bookstore and a marketing research organization, but I also have a "Passionate interest in the written word"(Italics mine). I'm certain this will somehow set me apart from the ten bajillion people who are also applying for this position and are much more experienced and talented than I am. I'd really like to get this, so general goodwill, knocking on wood, the crossing of fingers, prayer etc. would be much appreciated.
The job that applied for me I'm a little more wary of. They seem to have found me through the resume that I posted on Monster. It's one of those private energy companies that rose up after the market was deregulated. It's located far out in North York, and it may be a sales position, which I'm not really keen on. Furthermore, when I went to their website I saw that they've been advertising these positions since March. I mean, I'm grateful that anyone seems to be interested but the fact that they've been advertising these positions for three months without anyone biting leads me to believe that this place may be less than completely desirable to work for. I can't really afford to be choosy, literally, so I'm going down on Thursday to check them out. I'm trying to keep it positive.
What else? I've really been enjoying watching The Brak Show, although I suspect that being stoned while watching would be a great supplement to the experience. I've also been reading a book called Morte D'Urban by the much neglected Catholic author J.F Powers. All of his stuff is out of print now, and I suspect it has to do with his two main preoccupations: Catholic priests, and the non-reverent portrayals thereof. He's quite funny, and I'd encourage all of you who have an interest in that sort of thing to check him out. James Wood likes him too, if that helps. It should. It really, really should.
Stay tuned. More on the job situation as it develops.
Good news: my ongoing war of attrition against unemployment has entered a dangerous new stage. I applied for a job today and a job applied for me(?!). The job I applied for was a contract copyediting position for a company that would seem to be satisfied with me only having a Uni. degree, which is no small thing. In the cover letter, I wrote that not only have I worked in a bookstore and a marketing research organization, but I also have a "Passionate interest in the written word"(Italics mine). I'm certain this will somehow set me apart from the ten bajillion people who are also applying for this position and are much more experienced and talented than I am. I'd really like to get this, so general goodwill, knocking on wood, the crossing of fingers, prayer etc. would be much appreciated.
The job that applied for me I'm a little more wary of. They seem to have found me through the resume that I posted on Monster. It's one of those private energy companies that rose up after the market was deregulated. It's located far out in North York, and it may be a sales position, which I'm not really keen on. Furthermore, when I went to their website I saw that they've been advertising these positions since March. I mean, I'm grateful that anyone seems to be interested but the fact that they've been advertising these positions for three months without anyone biting leads me to believe that this place may be less than completely desirable to work for. I can't really afford to be choosy, literally, so I'm going down on Thursday to check them out. I'm trying to keep it positive.
What else? I've really been enjoying watching The Brak Show, although I suspect that being stoned while watching would be a great supplement to the experience. I've also been reading a book called Morte D'Urban by the much neglected Catholic author J.F Powers. All of his stuff is out of print now, and I suspect it has to do with his two main preoccupations: Catholic priests, and the non-reverent portrayals thereof. He's quite funny, and I'd encourage all of you who have an interest in that sort of thing to check him out. James Wood likes him too, if that helps. It should. It really, really should.
Stay tuned. More on the job situation as it develops.
Well if both J. Wood and S. Smeaton are into him, I know I will be too!
j, At
10:08 AM
Jammy! Do not mention me and He Who Reviews Above (HWRA) in the same sentence. It might give me ideas.
Sam, At
7:48 AM
first: good good good luck on the job front!
second: I *LOVE* Brak. I also love riding the cheeba train so...yeah...draw your own conclusion on that one.
nicole, At
5:27 PM
first: Thanks Nicole! I need all the warm hugs, encouragement and illegal drugs I can get.
second: Brak + weed = An experience I want to have.
Sam, At
8:00 PM
You're in luck Sam! I have Brak on DVD & my pipe is always full!
nicole, At
3:00 PM
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