Hired! pt.2 Where our hero learns the dignity of honest labour, makes a new friend, and maybe, learns a few lessons along the way
Well, I'm still working.
I wasn't thrilled about a job that was the equivalent of helping a friend move for eight hours. Reason being, I have a (yet undocumented) medical condition where heavy labor induces sweating, severe bouts of laziness and spontaneous instances of profanity. This time, my attacks have been relatively mild. I've been speculating as to why I seem to be getting over this allergy, and this is what I've come up with.
1.Person I'm working with: When I found out that another person was assigned to work with me, I was a little wary, seeing as how the scientific term for my social skills is NON-EXISTENT. Greg has turned out to be a friendly, interesting guy. Turns out he used to be a vice president for Indiepool, Canada's largest distributor of Canadian indie music. Why is he helping me lift boxes? He quit his job because he wasn't sure it was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, then went on a trip through Europe and Asia. We've killed a lot of time talking about our favorite music and playing the movie game. I'm glad I get along with him, seeing as how we have to spend eight hours a day together. There are members of my family that I can't imagine spending a quarter of that time with.
2.The people I'm working for: I'm not sure some of my friends will believe me, but the people at the architectural firm that I'm working at are neither embittered sons of bitches or monstrously huge assholes of biblical proportions . They're all pleasant and well mannered, even when me and Greg ask intensely stupid questions. I know. I'm not sure what they've slipped in my water either.
3.What I'm learning: Having spent three years in a bookstore, I've managed to avoid developing any marketable skills. You might think that being able to fake my way through a discussion of the metaphysical implications of the Kantian categorical imperative, or pretending that Jonathan Safran Foer is anything more than a tiresome po-mo hack are marketable skills. You'd be mistaken. In the past three days I've learned how to unbolt and disassemble shelves, re-bolt and reassemble shelves, what a nut and bolt are, how to use an electric screwdriver, and how to hammer in a nail without breaking my thumb. Functionally useless human being no more!
So there you are, my spirit remains unbroken. This isn't anything I'd choose to do, but I'm surprised to be disliking it as little as I do. I would even admit to actually enjoying it a little bit, but given my recent history I'm trying not to tempt fate.
I wasn't thrilled about a job that was the equivalent of helping a friend move for eight hours. Reason being, I have a (yet undocumented) medical condition where heavy labor induces sweating, severe bouts of laziness and spontaneous instances of profanity. This time, my attacks have been relatively mild. I've been speculating as to why I seem to be getting over this allergy, and this is what I've come up with.
1.Person I'm working with: When I found out that another person was assigned to work with me, I was a little wary, seeing as how the scientific term for my social skills is NON-EXISTENT. Greg has turned out to be a friendly, interesting guy. Turns out he used to be a vice president for Indiepool, Canada's largest distributor of Canadian indie music. Why is he helping me lift boxes? He quit his job because he wasn't sure it was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, then went on a trip through Europe and Asia. We've killed a lot of time talking about our favorite music and playing the movie game. I'm glad I get along with him, seeing as how we have to spend eight hours a day together. There are members of my family that I can't imagine spending a quarter of that time with.
2.The people I'm working for: I'm not sure some of my friends will believe me, but the people at the architectural firm that I'm working at are neither embittered sons of bitches or monstrously huge assholes of biblical proportions . They're all pleasant and well mannered, even when me and Greg ask intensely stupid questions. I know. I'm not sure what they've slipped in my water either.
3.What I'm learning: Having spent three years in a bookstore, I've managed to avoid developing any marketable skills. You might think that being able to fake my way through a discussion of the metaphysical implications of the Kantian categorical imperative, or pretending that Jonathan Safran Foer is anything more than a tiresome po-mo hack are marketable skills. You'd be mistaken. In the past three days I've learned how to unbolt and disassemble shelves, re-bolt and reassemble shelves, what a nut and bolt are, how to use an electric screwdriver, and how to hammer in a nail without breaking my thumb. Functionally useless human being no more!
So there you are, my spirit remains unbroken. This isn't anything I'd choose to do, but I'm surprised to be disliking it as little as I do. I would even admit to actually enjoying it a little bit, but given my recent history I'm trying not to tempt fate.
Jonathan Safran Foer is the biggest wanker this side of James Frey.
Matthew, At
10:36 AM
Why, Sam! You've learned to assemble shelves! How... manly.
*pant, pant*
There IS life after BC!
Susannah, At
12:07 PM
To Matthew: Yeah. And what about that D.B.C Pierre? However, I still reserve the right to like Bukowski and Auster.
To Susannah: I know! I'm not working at BC any more,and yet I continue to exist,and perhaps, thrive.
To Fang: I wasn't going to say anything.
Sam, At
8:16 PM
Note to readers:
Sam's social skills are infinitely charming. Nobody meets him and doesn't love him. Can I get a what-what?
Jessica McGann, At
6:29 AM
What motherfuckin' WHAT, mad dog.
Ellen, At
3:04 PM
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