University of Toronto – Bachelor with Honours
Major in Philosophy, Double Minor in History and Political Science (Muddled Through)
Library Assistant – Knox College, Caven Library
Responsibilities include:
ü Staring off into space
ü Checking Facebook
ü Signing out book every three hours
ü Avoiding eye contact with co-worker
Receptionist – Humanity’s Complaint Department
Responsibilities included:
ü Tacitly ignoring co-worker’s not-so-casual racism
ü Checking Facebook
ü “Accidently” hanging up on belligerent complainants
ü Laughing at the plight of the oppressed
ü Being terrified of the lunatics that would occasionally come in
People I’ve Disappointed
ü Parents
ü Self
ü Ex-Fiancee
ü Girlfriends (two through four)
ü Potential girlfriends
Successful Friends I Avoid
ü Friend with Business degree who got married at twenty-four, has a beautiful wife and child, actually owns a house
ü Friend doing PhD in Africa about colonial practices or something (Seems complicated)
ü Friend having well-placed job in diplomatic offices for the federal government
ü Friend who is now a high school teacher, has played in several bands, and is a long time relationship (Engaged? Married?) to hot T.A we both had a crush on, oh well
ü Friend doing PhD in London in Film Studies or Slavoj Zizek (Not really sure)
What I Thought I’d Be Doing At This Age
ü Have PhD (or at least a master’s degree)
ü Be working on my third novel
ü Be in a serious relationship
ü Be contributing something interesting or important to humanity
My Favorite Evasions
ü “No, I’m not just saying that so the conversation will end. I really do agree with you”
ü “Ah, we were just hanging out”
ü “We’re not dating”
ü “I DO love you”
ü “I don’t know what happened. The job just didn’t work out”
ü “It will never happen again. I promise”
Things I Realized Only After It Didn’t Matter Anymore
ü I should’ve ended things six months ago
ü It would have gone better if I had just admitted it
ü They were just trying to help
ü She wanted to be more than friends
ü It didn’t mean anything- we were both just drunk and lonely
ü I never really cared that much
ü I was still in love with her
Sam, I love you.
And I'm not just saying that because I'm drunk and lonely. *hic*
Susannah, At
3:41 PM
Awwww. I love you too.
Sam, At
8:40 AM
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